Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Saturday, September 18th, was the day of the annual DeBordieu Beach Sweep. Done in conjunction with the Ocean Conservancy, we had a grand turnout of over 40 volunteers like Tate Bowers (above) who scoured the DeBordieu beach from Prince George all the way to to the tip at North Inlet, encompassing some 4 1/2 miles. Obviously, it's not all hard work! Our beach stays in very pristine condition because of the pride our owners have in caring for it; however, the ocean does deposit materials we need to deal with. The attached photo shows some of the debris collected that afternoon. Beach Sweep is just one of the many Community projects that take place each year, and is just one more example of why DeBordieu remains such a very special place. THANKS AGAIN to all those who partook in this worthwhile cause.

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